My first thought when I finished reading Prime Meridian was that Silvia Moreno-Garcia writes like she actually understands what it’s like to not be economically comfortable. The main character, Amelia, is a young working class woman who struggles to make a living as a ‘friend-for-hire’ in the app-based gig economy of an imminently near future…
Category: Issue #2
Issue #2 of Seize the Press Magazine. April 2022
More Like a Cowboy Beflop by Karlo Yeager Rodriguez
Much like the jazz music it took as its inspiration, the original Cowboy Bebop wove together several genres – noir, westerns, space opera – into an effortlessly cool whole. There’s a certain looseness to it, with a few tentpole episodes that delve into Spike’s, Jet’s and Faye’s tragic pasts, but the remainder are much more…
The Sterility of Safe Fiction: Who Are We Protecting? by Raquel S. Benedict
Think of your favorite work of fiction. Describe it in one word. What is it? Romantic? Dark? Mysterious? Thrilling? Psychedelic? Sexy? Hilarious? Bittersweet? How about safe? When you think of your favorite work of fiction, a work of fiction that changed you, a work of fiction that will stay with you until you die, the…
Interview with M. Shaw, author of One Hand to Hold, One Hand to Carve
Hi Sam, thanks so much for joining me, it’s a pleasure to get to chat with you. First off, I read in a previous interview that you work in a haunted museum. Are you a big believer in ghosts and the supernatural? Personally, I make it a rule to only believe in things that aren’t…
“A Love Letter Template for the Little Scholars” by Howard Tseng
Dearest ___, Time is an illusion imposed by the single-minded husk, beyond which you are everyone and everything and everywhere, all at once. You are a Marxist roaming a continent, a rebel breaking out of an island, and a Loyalist trapped on a tiny little rock, iridescent, a pearl’s semblance. Though impoverished as children denied…
“What It’s Like” by Riley Tao
…and my penis is growing out of the back of my throat, and it’s choking me, and Sarah says, “I mean, of course I wouldn’t be comfortable if I had a penis growing out of my mouth, but it’s the body you were born with, you should be used to it,” and Mack nods and…
“Housekeeping” by Sally Parlier
The only thing that kept me from gnawing Ellie’s face off some days was that sharp taste she had. Her blood was like Windex sprayed over rust, and I could only imagine it’d be like barbed wire in her flesh. Sometimes when she picked at her scabs I’d be vacuuming up the smell days later….
“Reno Walled City” by Naim Kabir
I use Hac this time. They name themselves Sev, Jen, Timor. The chloropin in our shots smells like bleach and tastes like the swelling bag of a breached lithium battery. I blink once and we’re at a spouthouse three floors up and through a maze of concrete hallways, sucking paste through nozzles. Tastes like glutamate….
From the Editor – Issue #2
Welcome to Issue #2 of Seize The Press! Thanks to everyone who read our first issue, it was a much bigger success and had a far wider reach than I ever thought possible when I took the plunge and decided to start an anticapitalist dark fiction magazine from scratch. Hot off the success of the…